Aggravation of COVID-19: New Statement of Redes da Maré

In view of the recent worsening of the Covid-19 pandemic, when more than 256 thousand Brazilians lost their lives, Redes da Maré announces that it will temporarily change its work regime. The measure aims to reduce the risks of contagion and to preserve lives. In this sense, most of its activities will be carried out remotely.


In the new work regime, only the essential activities to assist residents of Maré in situations of greater social vulnerability will be in person. These activities considered essential will only be carried out through strict protective care to preserve the institution's professionals and the public served.


Each project will disclose to the staff and to the public the details of how the activities shall operate. We anticipate that the Conexão Saúde project, with testing and safe isolation support, will be maintained to ensure that residents of Maré can carry out the free tests for Covid-19.


The changes will continue until the end of March, when there will be a new assessment of the general situation of the pandemic and the working conditions. What will determine the continuity or not of the restrictive measures adopted today will be the evolution of the pandemic situation.


Redes da Maré reaffirms its commitment with Maré and its residents in this very difficult time for the country and for the favelas. Therefore, new actions that can reduce the impacts caused by the worsening of the pandemic will be planned and released soon.


Redes da Maré

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