The project "Early Childhood in Maré: access to rights and care practices" seeks to create ways and conditions to expand the rights of children aged 0 to 6 years and identify, learn and strengthen care practices, involving families and the community. The main objectives of the initiative are the construction of a diagnosis of early childhood in Maré and support for families. The idea is to understand violations of rights and seek ways to ensure access to them with quality.


Why is Early Childhood so important?

Early childhood (from 0 to 6 years old) is very important in the formation of the person, where the environment and everything that happens around them influences their formation.

It is in the first years of life that the child learns to speak, relate, eat and make choices, experiencing the world that is shown to them and reproducing behaviors they learn from the examples of the environment.

Thus, it is essential that we fight for public policies that guarantee the full development of our children. We cannot allow them to limit the potential of those born in slums and poor areas!



1. Research for the construction of a diagnosis of the Early Childhoods in Maré

Supported by Porticus, the project team produced knowledge about the living conditions and profile of children aged 0 to 6 living in the 16 favelas of Maré. Since February 2021, the Early Childhoods has been carrying out this research as a way of understanding the reality of families and how they access essential services for their development. The methodology involves producing knowledge, influencing public policies and welcoming and monitoring families with children aged 0 to 6.

In addition to the 2,144 questionnaires administered to 50 families, this journey has opened windows into the lives of 3,837 children, 2,796 of whom are aged between 0 and 6, understanding their realities at a critical moment in history. Over the 12 months of accompanying the families, between July 2021 and June 2022, 40 collective meetings were held and 203 cases were attended to, including home visits, telephone contacts or the family's presence at the Redes da Maré.


2. Continuous training of the institution's employees and partner organizations

Introduction to the topic of early childhood.

The formations receive Childhood Education Equipment from daycare centers and schools, in addition to assistance and health actors, and the organization Luta pela Paz.

Around 150 people participated in the last five meetings, between Redes da Maré staff and organizations.

At the end of the research, debates and analysis of the collected data will be carried out.


3. Political Incidence

• Debates with the government about the knowledge produced with public policies in mind.

• Meetings with institutions that defend and guarantee children's rights, such as: Public Ministry, Public Defender's Office, Guardianship Council, Municipal Council for Children and Adolescents and the Childhood Court.

• All meetings have been taking place remotely since the beginning of the pandemic.

• Consolidation of data and information, after the conclusion of the research, which can serve as inputs for the possible elaboration of actions and public policy programs.


4. Monitoring of 50 families

From the Early Childhood database, consolidated from the ‘Maré says NO to the Coronavirus’ campaign, 50 families with children in early childhood who are in conditions of food insecurity, among other social issues, were selected. They are being accompanied throughout the project by a psychosocial team in order to meet their food security demands, and also hold monthly conversation circles on early childhood care, nutrition and other related topics.

The methodology involves the production of knowledge, incidence on public policies and reception and monitoring of families with children aged 0 to 6 years. The results of the actions will be published throughout the year on this website and on Redes da Maré's social networks. Other materials for synthesizing the data and exposing the lessons learned are also planned, such as bulletins and videos showing the actions.


A Early childhood is the period of the first six years of human life. During this phase, stimuli and experiences determine children's cognitive potential. Studies show that, in the first few years, we developed most of our neural connections, being the time of greatest possibility for training skills. In addition, physical structures and social skills are also developed. Thus, it is essential that we fight for public policies that guarantee the full development of our children. We cannot allow them to limit the potential of those born in slums and peripheries!


Every child has the right to have documents and to be called by their name from birth, to be vaccinated and to be accompanied by the health unit, as recommended by the Ministry of Health (MOH), and to have the company of those responsible, at all time, during hospitalization. Every child has the right to live in an affectionate and non-violent environment, play and learn. Every child has the right to safe drinking water and healthy food, quality health and social assistance services, quality day care centers and public schools located close to their home, leisure and sports, among others.





O ‘Early Childhood in Maré’ have consultancy from Conhecimento Social institution, which provides Assessment and Monitoring consultancy in all stages of the project. Since the beginning, we have received guidance from Professor Doctor at USP Ilana Katz, specialist in the subject


Coordinators: Vanessa de Paula

Researchers: Adelaide Rezende and Andreia Cidade

Psychologist: Laíza Sardinha

Social Worker: Alexandra Cardoso

Field researchers: Solange Silva, Larissa Cerqueira, Alessandra Cunha, Vanusa Pessanha, Martha Martins, Jordana Farias, Vanessa Pereira and Débora Garcia

Expert advisor: Ilana Katz




WhatsApp from Redes da Maré: +55 (21) 99924-6462

Address: Rua Sargento Silva Nunes, 1012 - Nova Holanda (9am to 5 pm)


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